Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Justin Bieber's Odd Behavior Is Just A Spiritual Mission?! But This Latest Interaction Might ...

justin bieber spiritual mission baby holding

SOMETHING is going on with Justin Bieber.

We're just not sure what that something is.

He has been acting exceptionally odd these days what with his online rants about not taking pics with fans AND his barefoot outing.

But now we're hearing this is all just part of a spiritual mission. In fact, he apparently had an epiphany at some point and decided to center himself with religion and nature.

Related: Fan Accused Of Making Bieber Stop Taking Pics Speaks!

While he's been busy on his Purpose Tour, it's apparently taken a toll on him, and now he's set on focusing on finding himself again. And we guess walking barefoot and sitting in trees is how he wants to do it! Whatever floats your boat.

Although we like to think he's finding his way now, the odd behavior is still kind of going on.

It seems Bieber was in Ottawa late this week when he walked into a local bar and asked a couple if he could hold their baby! Yup, just like that.

The baby's parents said sure, and guess what, pics were taken! Guess Biebsy doesn't mind taking pics with teeny tiny fans. Check out details AND pics of the interaction (below)!

Well, we're glad he was a gentleman!

Maybe things are getting better for Biebs, and he just needed some time to unwind.

Although, we're not so sure his Beliebers will be happy he's taking pics with a baby! LOLz!

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]

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