Rabu, 25 April 2018

The Scoreboard: Kanye Is Back On Twitter And Justin Bieber Is Serving Justice At Coachella

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The Scoreboard is Uproxx Music's bi-monthly look at who is putting points on the board and who is taking major Ls in the music world over the past couple weeks.

Where does Yeezy Season fall in the timeline between winter, spring, summer, and fall? Apparently, it's right between spring and summer, because we're fully in it. Kanye West's recent return to Twitter has sent the internet into a frenzy with every tweet about fabric swatches, his views on the human condition, or his new Tesla, and it's as unpredictable as it is surprising. Justin Bieber, meanwhile, is taking a more brute force approach to life: If he catches you doing something bad, you can expect him to treat you more aggressively than his Canadian heritage might suggest he would. The internet also continues to invade real life, whether it's memes via Father John Misty or a certain yodeling youngster, Eminem's introduction to tweeting, or Wikipedia's not-so-comprehensive rap coverage. Oh, and the best rapper might not be who you think it is.

Win: Kanye West, Twitter philosopher


I feel bad for other websites: Since Kanye is back on Twitter, that means that many stans have basically paused all other online activities in which they previously participated in order to surveil his account and make sure they're not missing any of his missives. It's like the modern equivalent of leaving your life behind to follow The Grateful Dead on a cross-country tour, but a far less committed and focused version of that… which I suppose makes it even more modern. Like the Dead, Kanye is giving his fans a lot to chew on: His Twitter, which is a philosophy book, features his thoughts on capitalism, his new music, his fashion, and whatever else you might suspect is going on in Kanye's brain. This is all a reminder that no matter how long Kanye goes away for, he's forever a part of us all and has so much real estate in our brains that he should do the millennial thing and pay rent.

Loss: Anybody who dares to do wrong in Justin Bieber's presence

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It turns out that Justin Bieber's Canadian Superman character is more aligned with the actuality of Bieber than I realized: If you come around his way while disrespecting women, you will get clapped. Apparently, he was at Coachella, saw a drunk guy put his hands around a woman's neck, and pounced to save the day, first demanding that he unhand her before punching the dude in the face. Non-violent conflict resolution is ideal and nice when it makes sense, but sometimes you also have to take things into your own closed hands. Talk about beauty and a beatdown.

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