Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

Justin Bieber Tells Persistent Melbs Selfie-Seeker "You Make Me Sick"

Say what you like about Justin Bieber, it's gotta be at the very least deeply annoying to be that famous. The ludicrously popular singer has made his privacy a priority over the last twelve months, posting an impossible-to-misinterpret statement on Instagram in May last year that read in part:

"If you happen to see me out somewhere know that I'm not gonna take a picture I'm done taking pictures. [...] I realize people will be disappointed but I don't owe anybody a picture."

Which gives you some backstory for what took place in Melbourne yesterday, when 20-year-old Belieber Sabah Helal tried to take a selfie with the Biebs

Apparently Helal had heard that Bieber was being transported around the city in a Porsche and a Volvo, so she very reasonably decided to also drive around Melbourne's CBD, looking for him.

When both a Volvo and a Porsche pulled up behind her at a red light, Helal told the Herald Sun:

"I knew it had to be him."

It was him, but – surprise, surprise – he didn't want to take a photo with her. Was that going to stop this dedicated fan? Obviously, no.

"He was not interested in a photo at all. I told him that I was going to take the photo anyway."

Footage of their meeting shows Bieber eating an ice cream (it looks like a Golden Gaytime and god, I want it to be a Golden Gaytime so bad), getting into a car after declining to be photographed, and saying to the crowd of people, include Helal:

"Look at you. You make me sick."

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According to fans, Bieber hasn't been giving his best at his recent stadium performances either. I mean, sure, the guy seems like a jerk, but maybe being the target for a whole heap of strangers' ardent obsession for nearly ten years would eventually make you kind of grumpy? 

In any case, now you know: the Biebs really, really doesn't want a picture with you.

Image: Facebook.

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