Senin, 17 April 2017

Justin Bieber Remixes Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee's "Despacito"—and It's Amazing!

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Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito

One of this year's biggest hits just got remixed by Justin Bieber and he sings in Spanish. 

It's almost impossible not to dance to Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's "Despacito." It has an infectious beat and the lyrics couldn't be sexier. The original version of "Despacito" is currently No. 44 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart.

The "Sorry" singer announced the collaboration via social media right before it's debut.

In this remix, Justin starts off by singing in English, and the song then continues as it does on the original track until you are suddenly surprised by Bieber singing the chorus in Spanish. Fonsi then sings his verse in English, and it's amazing.  

We were with Fonsi on the set of his music video for "Despacito," which the singer shot in Puerto Rico. 

"It's a little different from the stuff that I've done in the past. It's something that grabs a lot from my culture, my Puerto Rican culture. There are some instruments that really bring us to this beautiful island," The singer said to E! News. "Despacito just really brings a lot of new things to the table."

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The music video for "Despacito" has generated almost a billion views on YouTube in only three months. 

We warn you, after watching you might find yourself looking at flights to the island. It's impossible not to fall in love with the beaches, streets, and people that Fonsi incorporated. 

Don't mind us, we'll be playing this track all day long. 


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