Senin, 27 Maret 2017

In the upcoming war between The Weeknd and Bieber, we must all choose sides.

Drake seems to find his way to the epicenter of drama.

It recently came out the Jumpman allegedly threatened to jump the "Tuesday" rapper Makonnen.

Drake has also stirred the pot with his ex-fling JLo by admitting he drunk texted her and implying she ghosted him.

Let's not even discuss his beef with Meek Mill, because you don't speak ill of those whose reputations are dead.

But now, Drake's gotten himself entrenched in the greatest celebrity feud in the last year: the epic standoff between The Weeknd, Selena Gomez's current boyfriend, and Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez's ex-boyfriend and guy who maybe pissed his pants.


How exactly is Drake involved in the greatest crisis that's ever happened to Canada? *Cracks knuckles* Let's get started.

First, there are these Instagram posts Drake has liked that feature The Weeknd. We'll call these two posts Exhibit A and B.

"So, what?" you ask. "Drake isn't exactly endorsing Selena and The Weeknd's newfound love."

Uh, behold Exhibit C:

In the upcoming war between The Weeknd and Bieber, we must all choose sides.

It'd appear Drake humbly bows before The Weeknd and swears allegiance to the Star Boy.

However, this is where things get interesting.

Why? Because Justin still thinks Drake is on his side.

Honestly, this part is the biggest mystery.

Personally, my guess is Drake low-key hates Justin.

Not only did his ex Serena Williams admit she has a huge crush on Bieber, but Drake dated Hailey Baldwin after she dated Justin.

But Hailey Baldwin said she'd still pick Justin over Drake… ONLY A WEEK BEFORE HAILEY AND DRAKE STARTED DATING.

Look, if Drake is as sensitive as his music is, he's probably pretty pissed off about that.

In May of last year, Drake surpassed Justin as the most streamed artist on Spotify. This one-upmanship hasn't been seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Of course, it's also been rumored Drake hooked up with Taylor Swift, who has serious beef with Justin. Just look at this helpful, "Game of Thrones"-like chart of the various alliances between the major players of the pop music scene.

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd hookup chart


So, is Drake on Team Justin (heck, they've collaborated in the past) or Team Weeknd (they've also collaborated).

Like the Trickster God of pop and rap that is Drake, perhaps Drake is just on Team Drake.

The Weeknd? Justin Bieber? They're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, and that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.

Drake is not going to stop the wheel. He's going to break the wheel.

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