Less than a month ago, Hailey Baldwin told fans that her post-breakup awkwardness with Justin Bieber was a thing of the past and clarified that the two are just good friends now.

"[The breakup] brought both of us to the realization that we just work much better as friends," she told U.K. newspaper The Times. "He's somebody I really cherish. Now it's a very mature situation. It's good."

Right. So, uh... Here's a video of very good "friends" Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber kissing at Rockefeller Park in New York City.

What a great friendship.

Neither Bieber or Baldwin have said anything publicly about getting back together, but she did show up in one of his new Instagram photos. Well—her feet did, anyway.

On Wednesday, a source close to Bieber told People, "He is single and not dating anyone seriously. He is doing very well. He has known Hailey for years—she is very involved in Justin's church. He likes hanging out with her. She is a wonderful person. They have fun together, but they are not in a relationship. They are two single people that enjoy each other's company."
