Back in May, TMZ reported that Justin Bieber entered Northwell Health in Long Island, New York for an alleged twisted testicle. (Gained while playing soccer.) But now the Biebs's injury has birthed another saga — a former employee of Northwell Health is claiming wrongful termination, which she says is based on a false claim that she illegally accessed Justin's medical file while at the hospital.
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The accused, Kelly Lombardo, claims that she never accessed the pop star's medical file, despite having heard a rumor that he had come in to treat a sexually transmitted infection. (Which, sidebar, would honestly be a better cover/story than an injury to the balls.)
But it seems someone did access the files, and when Lombardo's employers heard her deny that that someone was her, they turned on her because of her gender and youth; after all, alllllll young women would definitely break the law for a peek at Justin Bieber's medical history. (</sarcasm>)
And now, Lombardo is bringing her case — of gender discrimination and wrongful termination — to the New York State Division of Human Rights. A situation that started all because of a pop star's hospital visit.
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