This has to be the most exciting news of the day. All the star kids including Sara Ali Khan, Jhanvi Kapoor, Aryan and Suhana Khan are all set to come together on one platform. So we know that Justin Bieber's India concert is set to take place next month. We also know that a string of Bollywood actors are going to be a part of Justin's first India tour. Apart from Sonakshi Sinha, Sidharth Malhotra, Tiger Shroff, Disha Patani, Sunny Leone and Malaika Arora Khan will be seen performing at the concert. And now we have learnt that quite a lot of famous Bollywood kids will also croon to the songs of Biebs at the concert. Shah Rukh Khan's children, Aryan and Suhana, Akshay Kumar's son Aarav, Suniel Shetty's kids Athiya and Ahan, Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda, Sridevi and Boney Kapoor's daughter Jhanvi and Saif Alia Khan's daughter Sara and Ibrahim are all set to be a part of the night. Isn't it amazing? Surely, Justin's India concert is going to be one helluva night.
Justin is quite popular with the millennials, so it only makes sense to get all these star kids, who are a rage on social media under one roof. Maybe apart from the fact that Bieber would perform, another reason behind the star kids to be present for the concert could have something to do with the rumours of Zayn Malik's special guest appearance too! ALSO READ: Navya Naveli Nanda's groovy moves will impress you but who is the mystery man with her?
It is like a re-union for most of these star kids go way behind. Aryan and Navya have been childhood buddies while Ibrahim and Salman's nephews are also pretty good friends. All said and done, Justin Bieber's Purpose Tour has got all the way more interesting. Mutual thoughts?
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