Minggu, 02 April 2017

Reviews of Adele, Twenty-one Pilots and Justin Bieber

ON Saturday, March 25 I went to my second Twenty One-Pilots concert in Auckland. It was at Vector Arena, which sold out. It was the second show of their Emotional Roadshow world tour, with Wellington on the 24th being the first.

On the day of the concert, I started lining up at 5:30am along with two of my friends. Twenty One Pilots weren't due on stage until 8:30pm, with doors supposed to be opened at 6:30pm and the opening act due on stage at 7:30pm.

That meant about 13 hours in line until doors open and waiting nearly 16 hours for Twenty One Pilots to perform.

There were about 30 people in front of us, as many had camped outside the venue overnight.

The first couple of hours went reasonably fast, which was good. My friends and I quickly decided that we needed to make friends with the two girls behind us so someone could hold our spot.

Before lunch, we got moved to a different entrance and were at the front of that line. The only people that would be going in before us were the people that had camped out overnight.

The six-and-a-half hours after that went by soon enough, and we were ready to go in and get to the barrier.

However, there was a delay and we didn't get in until about 6:45pm, but once we got in we were two people away from the barrier. One of my friends Shari, and myself pulled ourselves out from the pit as it was getting too much near the end of the opening act.

My other friend Nitha stayed one away from the barrier for the whole show.

When Shari and I came back into the pit, we stayed near the back and got close to the second stage, known as B Stage.

The first song that Tyler Joseph sang and Josh Dun played the drums to, was a mashup of Fairly Local and Heavydirtysoul.

Joseph got into the song very quickly and hyped the crowd up. The crowd screamed and shouted for Joseph and Dun, supporting Joseph with the vocals to the song.

The next song was Migraine, which Joseph got the whole crowd jumping and singing along to.

The next was Hometown, which is a heartfelt song but it was not without one of Joseph's tricks. What looked like a covered Joseph on a piano playing the song — before the real Joseph appeared in the upper bowl singing the rest of it.

When the song ended, Joseph dramatically took off his ski mask, most likely to take in his surroundings.

The show lasted two hours, but Joseph and Dun packed in more songs than average shows, by mashing up their own songs with Blurryface tracks Message Man and Polarize and then Screen and The Judge getting the same treatment.

A few memorable things that Joseph said at the show included when he was trying to get the crowd to sing loudly along to the Blurryface track We Don't Believe What's On TV by saying "Let's try this again so they can hear us all the way at the Adele concert!"

Joseph had his ukulele out in full force, singing a version of Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley, which the whole crowd sung along to as He looked lovingly at the crowd.

This cover showed another side to Twenty One Pilots, they did not stick to just one genre.

During The Judge Joseph's best friend and drummer for Twenty One Pilots, Josh Dun, gets a shoutout as every member of the crowd now knows that "Josh Dun!" is hidden in the lyrics for the song.

While Joseph and Dun made their way to the B Stage, on the main stage a video played on the screens of 'vintage' footage of them rehearsing and playing music back in 2011. Halfway through this, I turned to Shari and said to her "They're distracting us," and I turned and faced the B Stage.

While on B Stage, they sang Ode To Sleep, Addict With a Pen (with Joseph commenting "You look beautiful" as phone torches lit up around the arena) and then their much loved version of My Chemical Romance's Cancer.

Joseph and Dun then made their way back to the main stage for the rest of the concert, where Dun had a drum battle with himself. A pre-recorded Dun playing the drums appeared on the screen, where the real life Dun then copied it, the drum beat gradually getting harder and harder, before the on-screen Dun's head blew up.

The most memorable thing that happened at this concert was definitely when Joseph got into a Zorb-like ball, which most Twenty One Pilots fans call 'the hamster ball', during their song Guns for Hands and ran around in it over the crowd. It was memorable because this is a very unique experience at a concert, not many artists these days would do that.

Before the concert, I was definitely expecting high levels of energy and them doing their best to hype everyone up and get everyone to sing along, and for them to play their song 'Heathens' from the movie Suicide Squad.

The concert lived up to all my expectations and it was such an amazing experience. This concert was so much better and had more hype than their last concert in New Zealand, even though it was pretty much the same setlist.

My favourite song from the show would have had to be either Goner or Trees — both songs are incredibly emotional and both played in the encore.

Even during the encore, Joseph and Dun had so much energy and hyped everyone up which I personally loved so much. At the end of the concert, both Joseph and Dun banged drums which let of confetti all over the arena.

It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad I went again, even knowing it was going to be the same songs as last time.

Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are amazing artists, and they bring so much energy to their shows, even with Dun being behind his drumkit most of the show. It was so enjoyable, and totally worth waiting all that time in line just for a band.

ADELE broke record after record with the release of her album 25. It was the first album in a long time that I had felt properly excited about, like an excuted small child on Christmas morning waiting to open presents from Santa.

So when I heard she was coming to perform in New Zealand for the first time, I sat at my computer for an hour before the pre-sale tickets went on sale, just to make sure I didn't miss out.

Spoiler alert: I didn't.

Instead I got walloped with two $400 tickets. I really only had one thought while pressing the button that would drain $800 from my father's bank account, THIS BETTER BE WORTH IT!

I have been to four other concerts. Miley Cyrus's Bangerz tour was my first, then 5 Seconds of Summer, a small Jamie McDell concert at the Dome and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.

I had enjoyed all these concerts but nothing had really stood out to me about them.

I have always believed live music is unbeatable, so I knew Adele would absolutely blow me away with her live vocals, but what really stood out to me was the way she was able to engage with the audience of all age groups, while on stage.

She chatted between songs as if you were the only one there, not one in a crowd of thousands.

She set up her stage like I have never seen before. As you may have seen, she was on a small circle stage in the middle of the arena. At first, I was sceptical of this set up — I thought, wouldn't she always have her back to at least half of the audience? But it actually took nothing away from the experience.

There were always stunning visual effects playing on the 360 degree screen during the songs that created such a beautiful atmosphere, really taking the concert to another level visually.

The New York Times published an article of the top 50 live acts and put Bruce Springsteen at number one. I have been to a Bruce Springsteen concert and it did not come close to Adele.

Her voice alone could send a shiver down anyone's spine.

I don't think listening to her albums will ever be the same after I felt her voice reverberating though my bones at the concert.

Although the tickets were expensive, they were definitely worth it.

I'M having major post-Justin depression at the moment and writing this review is giving me all the feelings.

In a way it's like I'm reliving the best night of my life, March 18, 2017, a day I will always remember.

The night started off with a pretty mean as hot-dog, not going to lie, obviously overpriced, but hey I had to prepare for the huge night ahead.

Sheppard was the first act to come on and if I'm being the honest person I am, I wasn't really that into them. I mean Bieber, where's the Kiwi artist at though?

In all seriousness they're a talented band and performed well I just barely knew their songs, so I wasn't jamming out as much.

After Sheppard that's when things got really wild and lit!

Firstly I'd just like to note that Martin Garrix and I are officially engaged, yep that's right folks you heard it here first. If anyone thinks other wise I think you need to leave. But can we actually just take a moment to appreciate my amazing, talented, husband-to-be . . .

Anyway where were we? Oh yes that's right I was doing a concert review.

Martin Garrix was incredible. He had it all, lights, lasers, fire, killer beats and above all good looks. The atmosphere was nuts and so was the crowd.

My sister and I danced so hard I think we really annoyed the old ladies sitting behind us — if you're reading this I hope you enjoyed the view.

The next part of my review is perhaps a bit too much information, but I definitely should have reconsidered my wardrobe choices and opted out the flowing-top, because your girl nearly had a nip-slip.

Luckily I got my hands on some JB merchandise so quickly before Justin came on stage I ran to the toilets to change and get water for my dehydrated sister.

You best 'belieb' I wasn't going to miss the opening song but me being me, I nearly did. Just as I finished getting dressed I could hear the opening credits come on and so could the other thousand people who also thought it was a good idea to go toilet.

Sorry sis, but I think the water can wait.

As you can imagine everyone was practically sprinting for their lives. I kid you not, when I got to my seat he started to perform, talk about bloody good timing.

Everybody was screaming at the top of their lungs. Justin appeared singing Mark My Words in a box hovering in the air — in the moment I could not 'belieb' I was there.

During the concert Justin lifted his shirt up and there they were, right before my eyes, his abs in all their glory. The crowd went crazy for it, me included.

Justin played heaps of his new songs and some of his old school throwbacks, and even a cover of I'll Be by Ethan McCain.

Boy-oh-boy were those vocals creamy like butter.

Now when he said "who wants to be my baby" that's when I really lost it and it's safe to say so did the crowd.

Everyone sang along and hit every note. I would definitely say it was my favourite song of the night, well one of them at least, who could pick just one?

Many people are saying it wasn't worth the hype but oh honey they are so wrong. It was everything I had imagined it would be and more!

A New Zealand Herald article even said "he looked dead in the eyes", ummmm were we at the same concert? Because from my view I definitely didn't get that vibe.

Sadly the concert had to end at some point and Justin being Justin, went out with a bang, literally. As the last song, Sorry, was playing fireworks were shooting up into the Auckland sky.

After the song ended Justin Bieber said his goodbyes and the fireworks disappeared, then just like that it was all over.

When leaving the stadium I couldn't believe how many people were there as trying to get out was nearly impossible.

I felt like we were all sardines squished into a tiny little can and I'm not over-exaggerating.

All in all, to sum it up in a few words it was a talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it, type of concert.

ON Saturday, March 25 I went to my second Twenty One-Pilots concert in Auckland. It was at Vector Arena, which sold out. It was the second show of their Emotional Roadshow world tour, with Wellington on the 24th being the first.

On the day of the concert, I started lining up at 5:30am along with two of my friends. Twenty One Pilots weren't due on stage until 8:30pm, with doors supposed to be opened at 6:30pm and the opening act due on stage at 7:30pm.

That meant about 13 hours in line until doors open and waiting nearly 16 hours for Twenty One Pilots to perform.

There were about 30 people in front of us, as many had camped outside the venue overnight.

The first couple of hours went reasonably fast, which was good. My friends and I quickly decided that we needed to make friends with the two girls behind us so someone could hold our spot.

Before lunch, we got moved to a different entrance and were at the front of that line. The only people that would be going in before us were the people that had camped out overnight.

The six-and-a-half hours after that went by soon enough, and we were ready to go in and get to the barrier.

However, there was a delay and we didn't get in until about 6:45pm, but once we got in we were two people away from the barrier. One of my friends Shari, and myself pulled ourselves out from the pit as it was getting too much near the end of the opening act.

My other friend Nitha stayed one away from the barrier for the whole show.

When Shari and I came back into the pit, we stayed near the back and got close to the second stage, known as B Stage.

The first song that Tyler Joseph sang and Josh Dun played the drums to, was a mashup of Fairly Local and Heavydirtysoul.

Joseph got into the song very quickly and hyped the crowd up. The crowd screamed and shouted for Joseph and Dun, supporting Joseph with the vocals to the song.

The next song was Migraine, which Joseph got the whole crowd jumping and singing along to.

The next was Hometown, which is a heartfelt song but it was not without one of Joseph's tricks. What looked like a covered Joseph on a piano playing the song — before the real Joseph appeared in the upper bowl singing the rest of it.

When the song ended, Joseph dramatically took off his ski mask, most likely to take in his surroundings.

The show lasted two hours, but Joseph and Dun packed in more songs than average shows, by mashing up their own songs with Blurryface tracks Message Man and Polarize and then Screen and The Judge getting the same treatment.

A few memorable things that Joseph said at the show included when he was trying to get the crowd to sing loudly along to the Blurryface track We Don't Believe What's On TV by saying "Let's try this again so they can hear us all the way at the Adele concert!"

Joseph had his ukulele out in full force, singing a version of Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley, which the whole crowd sung along to as He looked lovingly at the crowd.

This cover showed another side to Twenty One Pilots, they did not stick to just one genre.

During The Judge Joseph's best friend and drummer for Twenty One Pilots, Josh Dun, gets a shoutout as every member of the crowd now knows that "Josh Dun!" is hidden in the lyrics for the song.

While Joseph and Dun made their way to the B Stage, on the main stage a video played on the screens of 'vintage' footage of them rehearsing and playing music back in 2011. Halfway through this, I turned to Shari and said to her "They're distracting us," and I turned and faced the B Stage.

While on B Stage, they sang Ode To Sleep, Addict With a Pen (with Joseph commenting "You look beautiful" as phone torches lit up around the arena) and then their much loved version of My Chemical Romance's Cancer.

Joseph and Dun then made their way back to the main stage for the rest of the concert, where Dun had a drum battle with himself. A pre-recorded Dun playing the drums appeared on the screen, where the real life Dun then copied it, the drum beat gradually getting harder and harder, before the on-screen Dun's head blew up.

The most memorable thing that happened at this concert was definitely when Joseph got into a Zorb-like ball, which most Twenty One Pilots fans call 'the hamster ball', during their song Guns for Hands and ran around in it over the crowd. It was memorable because this is a very unique experience at a concert, not many artists these days would do that.

Before the concert, I was definitely expecting high levels of energy and them doing their best to hype everyone up and get everyone to sing along, and for them to play their song 'Heathens' from the movie Suicide Squad.

The concert lived up to all my expectations and it was such an amazing experience. This concert was so much better and had more hype than their last concert in New Zealand, even though it was pretty much the same setlist.

My favourite song from the show would have had to be either Goner or Trees — both songs are incredibly emotional and both played in the encore.

Even during the encore, Joseph and Dun had so much energy and hyped everyone up which I personally loved so much. At the end of the concert, both Joseph and Dun banged drums which let of confetti all over the arena.

It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad I went again, even knowing it was going to be the same songs as last time.

Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are amazing artists, and they bring so much energy to their shows, even with Dun being behind his drumkit most of the show. It was so enjoyable, and totally worth waiting all that time in line just for a band.

ADELE broke record after record with the release of her album 25. It was the first album in a long time that I had felt properly excited about, like an excuted small child on Christmas morning waiting to open presents from Santa.

So when I heard she was coming to perform in New Zealand for the first time, I sat at my computer for an hour before the pre-sale tickets went on sale, just to make sure I didn't miss out.

Spoiler alert: I didn't.

Instead I got walloped with two $400 tickets. I really only had one thought while pressing the button that would drain $800 from my father's bank account, THIS BETTER BE WORTH IT!

I have been to four other concerts. Miley Cyrus's Bangerz tour was my first, then 5 Seconds of Summer, a small Jamie McDell concert at the Dome and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.

I had enjoyed all these concerts but nothing had really stood out to me about them.

I have always believed live music is unbeatable, so I knew Adele would absolutely blow me away with her live vocals, but what really stood out to me was the way she was able to engage with the audience of all age groups, while on stage.

She chatted between songs as if you were the only one there, not one in a crowd of thousands.

She set up her stage like I have never seen before. As you may have seen, she was on a small circle stage in the middle of the arena. At first, I was sceptical of this set up — I thought, wouldn't she always have her back to at least half of the audience? But it actually took nothing away from the experience.

There were always stunning visual effects playing on the 360 degree screen during the songs that created such a beautiful atmosphere, really taking the concert to another level visually.

The New York Times published an article of the top 50 live acts and put Bruce Springsteen at number one. I have been to a Bruce Springsteen concert and it did not come close to Adele.

Her voice alone could send a shiver down anyone's spine.

I don't think listening to her albums will ever be the same after I felt her voice reverberating though my bones at the concert.

Although the tickets were expensive, they were definitely worth it.

I'M having major post-Justin depression at the moment and writing this review is giving me all the feelings.

In a way it's like I'm reliving the best night of my life, March 18, 2017, a day I will always remember.

The night started off with a pretty mean as hot-dog, not going to lie, obviously overpriced, but hey I had to prepare for the huge night ahead.

Sheppard was the first act to come on and if I'm being the honest person I am, I wasn't really that into them. I mean Bieber, where's the Kiwi artist at though?

In all seriousness they're a talented band and performed well I just barely knew their songs, so I wasn't jamming out as much.

After Sheppard that's when things got really wild and lit!

Firstly I'd just like to note that Martin Garrix and I are officially engaged, yep that's right folks you heard it here first. If anyone thinks other wise I think you need to leave. But can we actually just take a moment to appreciate my amazing, talented, husband-to-be . . .

Anyway where were we? Oh yes that's right I was doing a concert review.

Martin Garrix was incredible. He had it all, lights, lasers, fire, killer beats and above all good looks. The atmosphere was nuts and so was the crowd.

My sister and I danced so hard I think we really annoyed the old ladies sitting behind us — if you're reading this I hope you enjoyed the view.

The next part of my review is perhaps a bit too much information, but I definitely should have reconsidered my wardrobe choices and opted out the flowing-top, because your girl nearly had a nip-slip.

Luckily I got my hands on some JB merchandise so quickly before Justin came on stage I ran to the toilets to change and get water for my dehydrated sister.

You best 'belieb' I wasn't going to miss the opening song but me being me, I nearly did. Just as I finished getting dressed I could hear the opening credits come on and so could the other thousand people who also thought it was a good idea to go toilet.

Sorry sis, but I think the water can wait.

As you can imagine everyone was practically sprinting for their lives. I kid you not, when I got to my seat he started to perform, talk about bloody good timing.

Everybody was screaming at the top of their lungs. Justin appeared singing Mark My Words in a box hovering in the air — in the moment I could not 'belieb' I was there.

During the concert Justin lifted his shirt up and there they were, right before my eyes, his abs in all their glory. The crowd went crazy for it, me included.

Justin played heaps of his new songs and some of his old school throwbacks, and even a cover of I'll Be by Ethan McCain.

Boy-oh-boy were those vocals creamy like butter.

Now when he said "who wants to be my baby" that's when I really lost it and it's safe to say so did the crowd.

Everyone sang along and hit every note. I would definitely say it was my favourite song of the night, well one of them at least, who could pick just one?

Many people are saying it wasn't worth the hype but oh honey they are so wrong. It was everything I had imagined it would be and more!

A New Zealand Herald article even said "he looked dead in the eyes", ummmm were we at the same concert? Because from my view I definitely didn't get that vibe.

Sadly the concert had to end at some point and Justin being Justin, went out with a bang, literally. As the last song, Sorry, was playing fireworks were shooting up into the Auckland sky.

After the song ended Justin Bieber said his goodbyes and the fireworks disappeared, then just like that it was all over.

When leaving the stadium I couldn't believe how many people were there as trying to get out was nearly impossible.

I felt like we were all sardines squished into a tiny little can and I'm not over-exaggerating.

All in all, to sum it up in a few words it was a talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it, type of concert.

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