Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Selena Gomez in a relationship with Justin Bieber? She is ready to trust!

Wait … WHAT? Between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, the flame seems to have rekindled! So much so that the singer is now ready to reveal details of their relationship.

It is rumored that panics the Web. Recently, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are a couple and have taken a secret relationship . The news has not failed to react on social networks. And because many fans of both artists who would love to see them together. Because yes, as you probably already know, the American singer and Canadian singer was one of the cutest couples of Hollywood . Their romance actually dream more than one despite the many separations that have punctuated. So that the two celebrities have always cast doubt in the minds of users. Together or not? Hard to really know. However, and according to new information revealed by InTouch Weekly , Selena Gomez is indeed in a relationship with Justin Bieber and even preparing to confide about it very soon.

For several months, the interpreter of "Hands To Myself" is at the heart of the news. After a break of several weeks, Selena Gomez is back on the media scene and has even signed a huge new contract with the Coach brand . What make them proud Selenators . But if the young woman of 24 years has made the buzz in his comeback, his private life continues to speak. Moreover, according to the indiscretions reported by InTouch Weekly , Selly is now ready to speak openly about her relationship with Justin Bieber . But then, info ou intox? For if some fans are eager to know what it is, others are skeptical and do not believe absolutely in this idyll. Certainly, the two (former?) Lovebirds have not finished being the center of attention on the Web. Because, Selena Gomez prove she really be new couple or assert the contrary she be single? Stay tuned. Do you think the return of Jelena?

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