Jumat, 02 September 2016

Watch Justin Bieber Try to Impress Sofia Richie With His Drumming Skills on Their Latest Date

Because flying to Mexico is so yesterday.

Other than that little hiccup when Justin Bieber deleted his Instagram to stop fans from bullying his new bae, by all appearances, the singer's having a blast with Sofia Richie. She travels with him on tour, they hold hands while strolling on the beach, and they jet-set to Mexico to celebrate her eighteenth birthday together.

Now that traveling around the world is so old news, Justin is trying new things to impress his boo, like showing off his musical prowess. Justin doesn't just sing, alright? He can play, like, a million instruments.

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So on a group date with friends at Mozambique restaurant in Laguna Beach last night, Justin jumped on stage with a reggae band to blow Sofia away with his drumming skills. Check out his grand gesture below:

Sofia had to be impressed with that, right? Or at least she must have thought it was adorable that her pop star boyfriend was trying to impress her.

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