Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Celebs & Entertainment

So embarrassing.​

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Remember when Justin Bieber's dad infamously responded to Justin's nude photo scandal on Twitter with the most embarrassing dad joke last year: "What do you feed that thing?"

Like, ewwwww. The only response anyone wants to see from a dad in response to his son's nude photos being published without his consent is disgust and anger.

Now, Jeremy Bieber is back at it again, living up to his title as most embarrassing dad ever. Naked photos of Justin skinny-dipping in Hawaii with model Sahara Ray were published last Friday and promptly broke the Internet.

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This time, Mr. Beiber topped himself with his response to the scandal. In what he probably thought was a subtle response, he posted two pictures of Toronto's CN Tower and tagged the super tall building Justin Bieber.


A photo posted by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on

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A photo posted by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on

Get it? Because the tower is really big and phallic? Excuse me while I go barf in a corner.

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