Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Lamont Richard says brawling with Justin Bieber has cost him his job

  • Lamont Richmond, 37, speaks for first time about brawl with Bieber which was caught on video and showed him knocking superstar to floor 
  • Bieber swung a punch at Richmond in hotel lobby in downtown Cleveland and Richmond hit back  
  • He tells Daily Mail Online he has lost his job because his employer didn't want the publicity, and has been targeted by Bieber fans 
  • Richmond says he acted in self-defense and would do the same again but wishes he hadn't asked Bieber for an autograph, as he isn't even a fan
  • He asked on behalf of female friends he was with and Beiber's response was to say 'Get out of my face' and lunge towards Richmond
  • 'I wasn't trying to hurt anyone I wasn't trying to get arrested. Any man would do what I did because he showed such disrespect,'

Remember that hulking 6-foot 5-inch man who threw Justin Bieber to the ground in a late night scuffle outside a nightclub?

Well, he's only 6-foot tall really, just 3 inches bigger than the Believe singer who he easily dealt with after the bratty superstar swung a punch at him in a hotel lobby in downtown Cleveland.

'Six-foot-five? I don't know where they got that from,' Lamont Richmond told Daily Mail Online in an exclusive interview, the first time he has spoken publicly since last week's rumble in the concrete jungle.

'I'm only 6 ft. Maybe 6 ft. and half an inch if I stand real tall.'

TMZ, which bought video footage of the fight, initially gave Richmond the extra five inches and ever since the June 8 kerfuffle other sites followed suit as Richmond hid out.

But only Daily Mail Online managed to find him to verify the fact that the Biebs' nemesis is tall - but not that tall.


Speaking out: Lamont Richmond, whose flooring of Bieber was seen by millions, breaks his silence - and reveals that the scuffle has cost him his job as a maintenance worker

Speaking out: Lamont Richmond, whose flooring of Bieber was seen by millions, breaks his silence - and reveals that the scuffle has cost him his job as a maintenance worker

Scuffle: The meeting between Lamont Richmond and the Canadian pop star in the hotel lobby was captured on a cellphone camera. It showed the moment Richmond hit back at Bieber, who lunged at him first 

Scuffle: The meeting between Lamont Richmond and the Canadian pop star in the hotel lobby was captured on a cellphone camera. It showed the moment Richmond hit back at Bieber, who lunged at him first 

Going down: Bieber threw a series of punches towards Lamont Richmond, who responded by tussling him to the ground
GGoing down: Bieber threw a series of punches towards Lamont Richmond, who responded by tussling him to the ground

Going down: Bieber threw a series of punches towards Lamont Richmond, who responded by tussling him to the ground

Not a Belieber: Lamont Richmond asked the Canadian-born star for an autograph on behalf of one of the women he was with. It was then that Bieber punched at him - which Richmond ducked

Not a Belieber: Lamont Richmond asked the Canadian-born star for an autograph on behalf of one of the women he was with. It was then that Bieber punched at him - which Richmond ducked

And while Richmond, 37, can joke about his sudden apparent growth spurt, the rest of the fall-out from the fight has been no laughing matter.

In a little over a week since he gave Bieber what he has had coming for years is now living to regret he ever bumped into the Believe singer.

He has lost his job, been forced off social media and found himself the butt of a torrent of abuse from Bieber fans - all for protecting himself and the women he was with.

'It's not going well for me right now,' Richmond told Daily Mail Online.

Now he wants to sit down 'man-to-man' with Bieber in a bid to avoid taking legal action to clear his name.

Richmond, who was fired from his job as a maintenance worker at a college in downtown Cleveland in the aftermath of the brouhaha, insists he did nothing wrong. 

He asked for an autograph for one of the women he was with and Bieber let fly with a vicious right hook.

'The autograph wasn't even for me - I respect his professionalism but I've never been a fan,' said Richmond. 

However the simple request upset the singer. 'He seemed to be in one of those "I don't want to sign autograph" phases. He was all "Get out of my face."

'He didn't connect. I'm pretty good at ducking punches.'

Richmond grabbed the three-time-Grammy nominee and hurled him to the floor before any of the singer's posse could intervene.

'I wasn't trying to hurt anyone,' he said. 'I wasn't trying to get arrested. Any man would do what I did because he showed such disrespect,' Richmond said. 

'I asked him: "What are you doing? They only wanted an autograph. Don't be so disrespectful."'

Neither man was hurt in the brawl. The following day, Bieber, 22, posted a black-and-white selfie, captioned: 'Not a scratch on this pretty boy.'

But while the fight was over in seconds, the aftermath has lingered. 

Defiant: This was Bieber's response to the brawl 

Defiant: This was Bieber's response to the brawl 

Scene of encounter: Bieber was the in the lobby of The Westin in downtown Cleveland when the scuffle happened

Scene of encounter: Bieber was the in the lobby of The Westin in downtown Cleveland when the scuffle happened

As soon as his employers saw the video that swept the Internet within hours they called him and told him not to go to the job he had held for two years any more as they didn't want the bad publicity, says Richmond.

'I don't know what to do. It wasn't me that started it, but Justin Bieber still has work. He can feed his family, I can't. Next stop for me is McDonald's or Wendy's. I have to eat.'

Then the abuse - even including death threats - started from Justin's rapidly faithful Beliebers.

'I had no idea they were so powerful. I started getting emails, phone calls, Facebook, Instagram messages, everything. I was overwhelmed, Facebook said no more.'

Richmond shut down both his Facebook and Instagram accounts in a bid to stop the abuse, but it still kept coming with people calling him and even showing up at his door in a suburb of Cleveland.

Richmond insists he is the innocent party. 'The only thing I wish I had done differently is just keep on walking, none of this would have happened,' he said.

Bieber was staying at the Westin Hotel in Cleveland after watching Game 3 of the NBA finals between the Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors. 

He had been at the game with Formula One racing world champion Lewis Hamilton.

He should have been in a good mood, as a fan of the Cavs. His team won 120-90 after losing the first two games. The series is now tied at 3-3 with the deciding game to be played in Oakland, California, on Sunday night.

But Bieber's short fuse and his ability to get himself into trouble over the most minor incident led to the hotel brawl.

Fan: Bieber was in Cleveland attending the third Cavaliers-Golden State Warriors game. Bieber has previously performed in a Cavs shirt - but his encounter with Cleveland fan Lamont Richmond was hardly cordial

Fan: Bieber was in Cleveland attending the third Cavaliers-Golden State Warriors game. Bieber has previously performed in a Cavs shirt - but his encounter with Cleveland fan Lamont Richmond was hardly cordial

Watch your step: After making his way up a subtle slope on to the level stage, he proceeds to unintentionally walk straight over the edge - his arms flailing as he fell
The show must go on: The star then clambered back on to the stage and returned to his feet

Decline and fall: Bieber suffered on-stage embarrassment this week in Saskatoon, in his native Canada, when he fell over the edge of part of the stage and had to clamber back up

Controversy has dogged his meteoric rise to fame since being discovered as a 13-year-old with a voice. 

Several videos have emerged of him suddenly attacking people over the slightest provocation.

He was even sentenced to anger management courses as well as two years probation in 2014 for throwing eggs at his neighbors' house in Calabasas, California. 

He was also ordered to stay away from the couple, Jeff and Susie Schwartz, for two years and pay them more than $80,000 to clean up the mess.

And that wasn't his first brush with the law. He was accused of driving recklessly around his California neighborhood in 2012, hitting a limo driver in Canada and vandalism in Brazil the following year.

Just two weeks after the egg attack, he was arrested for driving under the influence of marijuana in Miami Beach. 

He had become so unpopular by that time that an online petition to President Obama calling for his deportation back to his native Canada was signed by more than 270,000 people. 

The White House, which has a policy of responding to petitions of more than 100,000 signatures, was forced to make an official 'No Comment.'

Back in Canada he was charged with assault and dangerous driving after getting into a fight with a man whose car he hit. In Argentina he got into a scuffle with photographers.

And now Bieber could face another court appearance if he doesn't agree to meet Richmond face-to-face.

'I don't want to go to court, but I am hurting,' Richmond told Daily Mail Online. 'All I want is to sit down with him man-to-man, talk about some resolution and shake his hand.'

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