Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

People are sharing their most mundane celebrity encounters and they're brilliantly boring

There are countless stories of refused autographs and rebuffed selfie requests from those who've had the good fortune to come into contact with their idol. For example, one fan of Justin Bieber was reportedly referred to as a 'beached whale' by the singer at a hotel in Australia, while Christian Bale once made a group of little girls cry while lecturing them on being 'intrusive' as they asked for a signature.

In the glitz and glamour of celebrity life, it's sometimes easy to forget about the human side of the star across the glossy magazines. And it's with that in mind that American writer John Moe took to Twitter last Saturday (April 28) to invite people to share their 'most boring, mundane, inconsequential celebrity encounter'.

Boring and mundane they are, most aren't even as funny as they could potentially be. Yet, at the same time they are all surprisingly wholesome.

This guy, who bumped into rock legend Alice Cooper in a lift, didn't have to experience any diva behaviour and simply got an answer to his question.

Scott (creepily) found out Jeremy Clarkson's favourite food.

George Clinton refused to bypass shaking a fan's hand.

 Will Ferrell, notorious for embarrassing fans and refusing conversation, was more than happy to help out…

 This guy helped Stevie Wonder work his phone:

A Backstreet Boy just wanted help on portion size.

Chris Rock showed Zachary that, contrary to popular belief, chivalry isn't dead.

David Hasselhoff tried to make more friends.

 And Robert Plant, who is worth around £100,000,000, just really needed a discount.

Words: Lucy Fletcher

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