Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Dr. Pimple Popper Celebrates Hump Day With 'Bump Day' in Latest Video

Dr. Sandra Lee, better known as Dr. Pimple Popper, celebrated Wednesday like no one else could: with a graphic mass removal video.

Lee shared the below video of her operating on a patient with a lipoma, which is a benign tumor of fatty tissue. The mass is on the back of her neck and it is quite sizable. He shows the before look for only seconds before jump-cutting into the removal.

The large mass comes out quickly and all mostly all at once, and it a slightly gross but incredible clip to see.

The renown dermatologist frequently takes to Twitter to reveal clips of various operations.

One of these recent videos shows her operating on a steatocystoma multiplex. As she says in the full clip's description these cystic papules are filled with "a syrup-like, yellowish, odorless, oily material."

On Twitter, she describes that material as "a ribbon made out of butter."

As of press time the clip was viewed 10,500 times.

If that snippet is not enough, Lee has uploaded the full video to YouTube. Entitled "Steatocystomas Squeezed in Style," the 14-minute video shows the in-depth process for draining the steatocystoma multiplex.

That full upload has been watched 482,000 times since it was uploaded on Thursday. If that video was not enough, Lee also recently reminded fans of one of her most puzzling cyst clips yet.

The remarkable clip sees the famed dermatologist tackling a large epidermoid cyst that compares to a meatball. Aside from the somewhat gross nature of the clip, Lee also hoped the educate her followers about this kind of cyst.


"Do you guys recognize this MEATBALL of a CYST?!" Lee wrote. "Here's a little [Throwback Thursday] with The Pretty Pimple and I can't re-CYST the chance to educate you guys on what KIND this is! This is called an EPIDERMOID CYST! They are the most common type of cyst that can appear ANYWHERE on the body. They form when keratin gets trapped below your skin, creating this cheese-like consistency. This is just ONE of EIGHT kinds of cysts."

Since she joined YouTube in October 2010, Lee has amassed 3.5 million subscribers on the platform. She has shared countless clips there, which have racked up total of 1.9 billion views.

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