Rabu, 13 Desember 2017

WTF WEEKLY: Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson Are DATING + MORE

1. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are NOT official yet.

Remember when just a few weeks ago, we thought goody two shoes Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were back together? Well, some snitches sources told People that it ain't official yet. The couple has apparently been "great" - they go out to dinner, attend church once, sometimes twice, a week (probably asking for forgiveness for getting back together), and pretty much see each other every single day. That must be exhausting - having to see Sel cry every day about how much she loves her fans and vent about how pissed Taylor's going to be when she finds out that her weak ass went back to Justin.

Well according to said source, they've actually been going to church a lot because Justin is "set on proving that he is a better boyfriend," and although Selena believes that he is, the rest of the Gomez family isn't too thrilled about the two. Justin's family loves her - because aw, who doesn't - but the feeling ain't mutual. For that, the two are going to take a brief break and not see each other around the holidays. The source says, "Selena is spending Christmas with her family. As of now, Justin is not invited." I think that's good. My boyfriend isn't spending Christmas with me either. Not because my family hates him, but because when he came for Thanksgiving, he accidentally admitted that he loved Taylor Swift's new album.

For some reason, the source gossiped even more, "Justin was Selena's first love. He will always have a special place in her heart. She's always held out hope that one day the circumstances and timing would be right."

So… Despite making out at hockey games and telling the paps when they're going to be stepping out of their houses together every single day, Biebs hasn't officially made Selena his gal yet. Let's hope Selena's parents will set up an intervention and talk her out of this whole nightmare when she goes back home for the holidays.

selena gomez justin bieber

2. But guess who IS officially dating now… Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin!

A few weeks ago it was rumored that Coldplay's Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson might be a potential thing, but it's official: they are full on dating.

According to US Weekly, 28 year old Johnson and 40 year old Martin are "definitely" not just a fling now. Although the relationship is still very young, it seems like they're already keen on traveling the world together. The two visited Israel for a Nick Cave concert and Johnson also was seen in Argentina for a Coldplay concert. They were also seen dating in this country too *gasp*, on a sushi date in Los Angeles. When the two were seen at dinner, apparently it was "really, really nice, like extremely nice. It was a surprise." Well okay, calm down now. Johnson's miserable character in Fifty Shades isn't an accurate representation of what she's like in real life. Why are we so surprised that it was nice?

Nevermind. If I watched this video and then met a nice Dakota in person, I'd think "it was a surprise" too:

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The source described the entire evening dinner date, "They seemed very happy to see each other and immediately jumped into conversation. She was catching him up on work and the different projects she has coming up. She was telling him where she is going to be and asking him what he thought. They both seemed to really respect each other's opinions. Chris was very charming and personable. His face lit up when he was talking to her. He hummed a little bit and asked her what she thought of a song. She clearly loves his music and was really into it. They were flirty and laughing the entire meal. He paid for dinner and held the door for her. They both thanked the chefs on the way out."

And here's photo of Johnson at a Coldplay show:

I wonder what their conversation sounded like when Dakota was telling Chris about her upcoming projects. She was probably like, "For the next Fifty Shades, the director wants me to try the most ambitious sex scene we've ever done yet." Then Chris probably just laughed to hide his intense disdain and then went on to tell Dakota about how the inspiration for the next Coldplay video is going to be an eagle flying over the ocean while super corny music plays... Oh wait, they already did that.

3. Wendy Williams talks shit about Azealia Banks on her show.

Wendy Williams better be staying in New Jersey for the next few weeks, because she messed with someone that most people should probably be afraid to mess with: Azealia Banks. You know, the same woman who bit a security guard's boob and who also sacrificed chickens in her closet (which actually took place one year ago this month! Let's celebrate!).

Page Six reports that Remy Ma had a bit of a feud with Azealia. Not totally shocking news since these two both have beef with every other person ever. For some reason though, Wendy Williams decided to jump in and let everyone know that, in case they were wondering, she's a big Remy fan. During a radio show last week, Remy threw shade at all female rappers (cough cough, Nicki Minaj) when she said "When I came home [from prison], it was nothing. It was tumbleweeds blowing through as far as female artists in rap is concerned." Of course Azealia responded, saying that Remy is a reality star and nothing more. Then Remy clapped back with a screen shot of a text from Azealia asking if she should hop on Love & Hip Hop. #LOL.

Momma Wendy felt the need to pop in and reprimand Azealia, saying that she's still trying to figure out who she even is. She goes on to share with the audience, "[Banks was also] mentioning how she needs vaginal rejuvenation. If you're wore out at 26 and you've got no kids, now we understand how she gets her money. She works hard for her money." First of all: woah, Wendy. Is this show PG? I'll never let my kids watch! Second, you better watch your back. You may not know who Azealia is, but that doesn't mean that you want her to know who you are. Staying in Jersey for a couple of days will probably be your safest bet. Azealia has sacrificed chickens, I won't be surprised if she was willing to sacrifice you, too.

Wendy William's remarks about Azealia's vag start around the 9:45 mark:

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