Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

New York Magazine Magnifies Montclair Justin Bieber Madness

Justin Bieber surprising young singer Ava Otterbein at Starbucks. Justin Bieber at Smashburger. Justin Bieber at the Montclair Beach Club. Justin Bieber at Coldstone Creamery.

It was the summer of Justin Bieber sightings. Much more than back in 2014, when Bieber first started showing up in Baristaville to visit Pastor Carl Lentz of Hillsong Church (which has its services at the Wellmont Theater).

If you didn't get your fill of Bieber, you can sate yourself with an over 3,000-word New York Magazine article entitled "Justin Bieber Made a New Jersey Suburb Lose Its Mind This Summer." If you still have your mind and aren't willing to lose it again, here are some of the gems from the very long form Bieber report:

"We're not really star-fuckers here," Evelyn, a 50-something Montclairian, said recently, requesting anonymity so she would feel free to gossip about her neighbors. Montclair is an affluent town, with more diversity than most suburbs and a proud sense of urbanity: It has a film festival and a center-left bent that allows residents to complain about Trump and high property taxes with equal verve.

Evelyn, we want to meet you. Send us an email.

Then there's this:

People followed Bieber's habits so thoroughly that when a woman named Nancy wrote on a local Facebook group that she had seen what she presumed must be Bieber's white limo at Smashburger, multiple people corrected her. "Probably someone else, Nancy," one wrote. "He's usually in a couple of SUVs."

And of course, everyone's wishfully got Bieber paying Montclair taxes:

"If the Montclair High gossip machine is accurate, park outside the Georgian looking mansion on the corner of Upper Mountain and Edgewood Road and see if he shows up," one person said. By summer's end, four different adults had told me that they knew, with certainty, that Bieber had purchased a particular home in town. All four of them gave me different addresses.

What say you? Have you had just enough Bieber for 2017?

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