Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Justin Bieber pays a price for their reputation of tenant partier, vandal and unmanageable – Here

In good teen partier, Justin Bieber was not in the habit of tidying his room. And worse yet, he takes a malicious pleasure to destroy all the houses where he lives. A reputation as a tenant of hell that fact that no owner wants of him.

You have already tried to rent an apartment in a large city where the offer is ten times lower than the demand ? Then you know what it's like to lug around 3 kilos of records rentals with all documents in four copies and to say yes to a tour of apartment (too small and too expensive) to 7 o'clock in the morning because it is like that.

So, you know that finding a rental cool thing is the obstacle course. Well know that this is also the case for Justin Bieber. The singer " lives in the hotel for more than a year because he can't find house rent ", as said a source at the New York Post. The singer pays dearly its reputation, proved to be, of tenant from hell. The young man has already been sentenced to two years of probation after having trashed shots of shots of eggs the home of one of his neighbours. A neighbor who had had the misfortune to complain of the feasts incessant and terribly noisy organized by the Bieber…

So much to tell you that the owners are not lining up at the door to sign a lease with the artist, and it is a real estate agent Beverly Hills that says : "Justin wants to rent a big house, but the majority of owners of large properties in Beverly Hills that are for rent, are agreed that a person does not rent to Justin. You say that they would find it cool to have as a tenant of their homes – and Justin proposes to pay 100 000 dollars per month for places that don't worth. But his entourage and him have the reputation of destroying the rentals and make difficulties when it comes time to pay for the repairs. "

A dirty habit it may be to her father, who had found the way to cover excrement and urine on the floor of a house that he leased in Canada. Provided that they may never have the idea of setting roommate'…

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