Selasa, 03 Oktober 2017

Justin Bieber NOT Banned From Renting In Beverly Hills, Despite Report

Justin Bieber Banned Living Beverly Hills

(Getty Images)

Justin Bieber is not banned from renting in Beverly Hills, despite a report. The story alleges the superstar can't find a place to live because no one wants to rent to him. Gossip Cop, however, is told the claims just aren't true.

The allegations come from the New York Post, which is declaring, "Beverly Hills residents want to keep Justin Bieber out." According to the newspaper, "none of the homeowners in the exclusive area want him because of his reputation for trashing mansions." And "because he can't find a mansion to rent in the area," says the tabloid, he's residing at a local hotel. A so-called "Hollywood real estate source" is quoted as saying, "Justin wants to rent a big estate, but many of the owners of the big Beverly Hills properties, which are for rent, have clubbed together to agree that nobody should rent to Justin."

"He and his entourage have a reputation of trashing his rental homes and then being difficult where it comes to paying for the repairs," claims the outlet's supposed source. The article is filled out with claims about the singer's misbehavior, such as the 2014 incident infamously referred to as "Egg-gate," in which Bieber had a conflict with a neighbor. The paper also points to vandalism at a 2015 residence that Bieber previously rented, failing to make clear that he was no longer the renter at the time the damage occurred. Nor does the story acknowledge that Bieber hasn't been in any residence-related trouble over the last two years.

If the superstar's been leading an incident-free life, it makes little sense that homeowners would actively campaign against renting to him based on years-old issues from his younger days. Yet some lemmings have already picked up this spin, and even taken it further. Wendy Williams is actually declaring on her site, "Justin Bieber is Homeless." She also discussed the topic on her talk show on Tuesday, bad-mouthing him in the process. Outlets ranging from Vanity Fair to the Daily Mail are also regurgitating the claims. Yet Gossip Cop is told by a Bieber confidante that the contentions are, quite simply, "bullsh*t."

He does choose to hole up in hotels, but that decision has nothing to do with some kind of rental ban, we're assured. It's also worth noting that the New York Post has a history of spreading false narratives about the performer. Last year, Gossip Cop busted a crazy tale about Bieber supposedly refusing to do a sex scene with a man. And back in January, the tabloid wrongly accused Bieber of abandoning a sick puppy. Funny how all of these untrue articles were designed to make the star look bad.

New York Post


Justin Bieber is banned from renting a home in Beverly Hills because residents want to keep him out.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

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