Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

Justin Bieber Got a Ticket for Using His Phone While Driving

Justin Bieber was driving around in Beverly Hills Saturday, July 15, when police stopped his Mercedes G-Wagon and told him to get off his phone. They also gave him a ticket, which he took without arguing, TMZ reports. The average penalty for using your phone in the car is $162 in LA, according to TMZ.

Despite this mishap, Justin's an advocate for safety behind the wheel. In 2011, he participated in a PhoneGuard Inc. campaign against texting and driving and put up a banner reading "Don't Text and Drive" during his performances. "We need to change the attitudes in our society toward texting and driving and I am making it one of my personal goals to make this happen," he told Billboard in a statement.

AT&T's 2012 Teen Driver Survey found that 43% of teens text while driving. This habit makes a car accident 23 times more likely, according to a Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study. So, if you're inclined to use your phone in the car like Justin and feel like it presents too much of a temptation, it may be best to turn it off.

Related:The Real Risks of Texting and Driving

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