Rabu, 19 April 2017

Pics: Justin Bieber spotted at Guanabanas in Jupiter with golfer Rickie Fowler

JUPITER, Fla. - Several viewers reached out with their Justin Bieber sightings today. It seems the singer was hanging out with Pro golfer Rickie Fowler at some of Jupiter's hottest spots.

Amanda Matich, from Jupiter, says the two left Guanabanas when people started to notice. But not before Ben Zeltner, from Linewood, New Jersey, posted a few pictures on Facebook.

Ben Herd, from Jupiter Farms, says " Saw him at Harbourside [at] 7:30ish". 

(Photos courtesy of Ben Zeltner).

I was more excited than most in the newsroom, but hey, I have a mentality of a teenager (don't judge).

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