Kamis, 20 April 2017

Justin Bieber & Luis Fonsi Do It "Despacito" In Puerto Rico: Remix Debut Performance!

Justin Bieber & Luis Fonsi Do It "Despacito" In Puerto Rico: Remix Debut Performance!

Just one day after releasing by surprise the "Despacito" Spanglish remix featuring Justin Bieber, Luis Fonsi has performed the new version live - WITH the Canadian pop superstar next to him on a stage.

This historic moment took place at Justin's "Purpose World Tour" concert in San Juan, Puerto Rico this past Tuesday (April 18). JB got informed by his team Luis Fonsi was also in the country, so he decided to extend him an invitation so they could debut the "Despacito" remix live at the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum.



  • Justin and Luis Fonsi have zero/very awkward chemistry.
  • Justin clearly doesn't know how to act to or "perform" Latin music.

The positive note was watching Justin singing his opening "Despacito" remix English verse in full and singing along to the Spanish lyrics of the chorus.

*It may be a long time the next time we get to watch Justin "perform" in Spanish, so appreciate this moment, y'all!

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