Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Selena Gomez Still Haunted By Justin Bieber… Selena Gomez Still Haunted By Justin Bieber ...

Selena Gomez can't get Justin Bieber out of her head! She can't believe she let herself get involved in his drama again, and now a source tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY that she might go to extremes to end it. Her friends actually think she should try hypnosis! Here's the scoop.

Selena Gomez somehow got herself back in the headlines alongside Justin Bieber on Aug. 14 when she commented on his Instagram dissing fans, and after the drama subsided she found herself wondering why she even got involved in the first place. Turns out, she just can't get him out of her head.

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: See Pics Of Their Feuds

"She still has dreams about him all the time," a source told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. "She'll wake up and be depressed all day because of it. She wants to meet someone new and fall in love but her attachment to Justin is making it very hard to move on."

Now, her girl squad has some ideas about how to get over him. "Everyone is trying to help her," the source continued. "One of her friends is even pushing her to try hypnosis to see if she can get past this once and for all." Wow! We guess desperate times call for desperate measures, but Selena doesn't seem to be THAT obsessed with Justin. Any girl is going to get worked up seeing their ex with someone new, and we know how much Selena cares about fans. We doubt there's any hypnosis deep enough to undo all of those hard-wired feelings, but if she decides to go for it we hope it works

HollywoodLifers, what do you think about the idea of Selena Gomez trying hypnosis to get over her fixation with her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber? Share all of your real thoughts with us!

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