Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

Justin Bieber and DJ Snake release 'Let Me Love You'

Justin Bieber

It's only a couple of weeks since Justin Bieber chucked out his Diplo and MØ (that Ø​ is so f**ing hard to find) collab 'Cold Water,' and while that's sitting pretty at number 1 over here he's just released another new track in the form of 'Let Me Love You.'

Well technically it's DJ Snake's track featuring Justin, but whatever.

Yup - DJ Snake's new album Encore's out today, and on said album is the long awaited JB collab. Y'know, that one Selena Gomez was singing the other day when she brought back all the Jelena feels?

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A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

We're not gonna lie, it's in a  similar vein to 'Cold Water' in that it's an absolute banger; but if it ain't broke why would you wanna fix it tbh? In further news if this rumoured DJ Snake and Little Mix collaboration's anything like this we'll be very happy indeed.

ANYWAY, get your ears round it below if you fancy. Hoorah.

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On repeat for daaaays, mate.

Thoughts on that, then? Give us a tweet over @sugarscape and don't forget to like us on Facebook while you're at it. CHEERS PAL.


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