Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This Leaked Justin Bieber Remix of Drake's "One Dance"

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Drake's ear worm of a single "One Dance" has been tearing it up on the charts for the past two months. Currently, it's sitting pretty at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 because, well, few things are better than a Drake dance track.

Except maybe one thing: a Justin Bieber remix of said Drake dance track.

And that's exactly what leaked over the weekend! A "One Dance" remix featuring Drake's fellow Canadian played at a Formula 1 party this past weekend. Drake and Bieber fans alike lost every last bit of their cool when they heard it, with some posting snippets to Twitter (one of which is movie star Gabrielle Union). Check them out!

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According to Billboard, the remix was co-produced by Nineteen85, Noah "40" Shebib and DJ Maphorisa.

So... when are we getting the rest of it? We need to "One Dance" to the whole thing!

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