Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Selena Gomez's Post-Breakup Look May Be a Huge Diss to Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have reportedly called it quits and it feels way too soon, like they never really had a chance to embrace their potential couple glory. But don't worry, while Justin may be off hooking up with models whose names sound like foods, Selena is walking the streets in a look the screams "I'm winning this breakup."

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Her shirt says "Never Underestimate The Power Of A Woman," and let me be the first to say, whether this is about the Biebs or just about being a badass, I'm HERE for it.

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Last week, Justin was spotted out with a girl named Baskin Champion, which is not only a perfect opportunity to make alllll the jokes, but Justin's way of making Selena jealous, apparently. A source told ET that Justin "knows everything he's doing is going to get out," and he wants to prove a point. "[Selena is] off having fun with her friends and so he's showing that he can still go out and have fun too," the source says. "And to be honest, I'm sure there's a part of him that wants to make Selena a bit jealous!"

After Justin and Baskin were seen out, Selena Instagrammed this picture from her home, which is really fricken' cute.

The Selena and Justin split, which started as a break, is looking permanent at this point, a sourced told E! News. "Selena realized even though he's made some positive improvements, they just aren't a perfect match right now," they said.

It was fun while it lasted, kids.

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