Senin, 19 Maret 2018

Man posed as teen on Facebook to lure girl

A MIDDLE-aged Newbury man posed online as a teenage boy to lure a young girl into a sex trap.

Landscape gardener Tristan Jackman, aged 50, stole the image of a "Justin Bieber lookalike" to create a fake Facebook profile.

He then persuaded his teenage victim – described by the prosecution as "extremely vulnerable" – to send him graphic images and videos of herself.

Jackman, who also posed as a child in online chatrooms, was convicted of two sexual assaults by a Reading Crown Court jury on Tuesday.

He had already admitted possessing indecent images of children, but claimed they were sent to him unsolicited.

Married Jackman, who lives at Digby Road, insisted he had no sexual interest in children – because he was attracted to older men instead.

Jackman explained: "I'm mainly now orientated towards males older than me – quite a lot older than me."

But giving evidence, he admitted to jurors how he often spent evenings using his office computer to pose as a child in internet chat rooms.

Under cross examination by Chris Hewertson, prosecuting, Jackman admitted he had also been sent indecent images of children by adult males, but insisted: "I don't know why they sent them to me – I didn't ask for them."

Regarding the fake Facebook profile, Mr Hewertson said Jackman used the photo of a Justin Bieber lookalike – a reference to the young pop singer – to snare one victim, telling her he lived nearby.

Mr Hewertson said: "You were putting hooks out there."

The court heard the unwitting girl fell for the fake identity, posting: "You're an amazing friend.

"I never want to lose you, ever. I'm glad I have you in my life – I don't want to let go of that. You're always there for me... thank you."

For more see this week's Newbury Weekly news

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