A group of fan posters confiscated before a Bieber Concert at Madison Square Garden make up part of the exhibit

Justin Bieber Museum Exhibit Opens Sunday In Stratford

A huge crowd is expected at the Stratford-Perth Museum Sunday as an exhibit describing the life of Justin Bieber opens up to the public for the first time.

The museum's "Steps to Stardom" showcase highlight's Bieber's rise from busking on the steps of Stratford's Avon Theatre to the international superstar he is today. The display features memoribilia from Bieber's youth, including minor hockey pieces, pictures, awards, and even a wall devoted to fan signs that were confiscated before a show at Madison Square Garden in New York.

General Manager John Kastner admits while the museum has showcased popular exhibits in the past, the level of attention the Bieber exhibit is receiving from media outlets around the world is on a whole other level.

Tickets are completely sold out for Sunday's showing, which runs from 10am-4pm.

Various Justin Bieber hockey memorabilia

Various Justin Bieber Awards are showcased, including his MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist

Fan posters that were confiscated before a Bieber concert at Madison Square Garden in New York.