Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Celebrated His Dad's Wedding By Pashing Heaps

Selena Gomez Justin Bieber Kissing Wedding Jamaica

It's been a while since we've had a decent sighting of JustinBieber and SelenaGomez out in the wild. But Jelena have treated all us loyal 'shippers with a major kissy-face display in Jamaica this week, and it's a beautiful thing my friends.

The pair were in the Caribbean to attend the wedding of Justin's dad JeremyBieber as he wed partner ChelseyRebelo at a pink-themed outdoor ceremony in Montego Bay, and the Daily Mail scored plenty of cute AF images for your viewing pleasure.

During the wedding, Selena (clad in a gorgeous peach floral dress, which I definitely want) and Justin stuck adorably close to one another, but as soon as the party hit the pool, the PDA was on like the proverbial DonkeyKong.

Of course, the fandom is LIVING FOR THIS.

Jelena smewched up an absolute storm, and looked very much ~officially together~ which tbh makes me feel like I've woken up in 2013. But I don't hate it.

Eagle-eyed fans also spotted them out and about today in Jamaica. Cop this amazing bit of secret pic taking below:

Thank you to this blessed fan for being so quick-thinking. I would have just stood there gawking at them.

To feast your eyes on all the sneaky paparazzi shots from Jeremy's wedding, you can find them right HERE.

Enjoy, you big pervs.

Image: Getty Images / Jason Merritt

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