Selasa, 28 November 2017

Twisted terror pictures of teen who plotted ISIS attack at Justin Bieber gig

Images produced by a lone-wolf ISIS fanatic who planned an attack on the day of a Justin Bieber concert show his twisted terrorist fantasies.

One crude composition shows a picture of Cardiff Castle with images of an ISIS flag, a dagger, a Jeep and a bomb emoji slapped on top.

Another image shows a suicide belt with the word 'Cardiff' added.

The imaged were found on his Instagram account, which had the password 'Truck Attack'.

The 17-year-old - who cannot be named for legal reasons - was found guilty of five terror offences at Birmingham Crown Court this week.

Targets he researched online included a Justin Bieber concert that took place in the Cardiff on June 30 this year, as well as Cardiff Castle, the New Theatre, the Capitol shopping centre and Central Library.

Another photo found on the teenager's Instagram account shows a suicide belt with 'Cardiff' crudely superimposed (Image: Crown Prosecution Service)

The teenager will be sentenced early next year but the Crown Prosecution Service has now issued the images he created.

His internet history included searches for: 'ISIS beheading video', 'Isis terrorist attacks', 'Police car UK armed response', 'how to create a terror attack', 'driving a lorry into a crowd of people' and 'what does getting shot feel like'.

He also researched the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby and information on how to steal a car.

His mobile phone contained images of the truck attacks in Nice and Berlin.

The CPS also released pictures of a rucksack, and a hammer and knife that were found in the rucksack.

Police found the rucksack in the bedroom of the 17-year-old which contained the large knife, hammer and a so-called 'martyrdom letter'.

The large knife was found inside the teenager's schoolbag (Image: Crown Prosecution Service)
Officers also found a claw hammer inside the schoolbag, along with a so-called 'martyrdom letter' (Image: Crown Prosecution Service)

In the letter he declared that he was "a soldier of the Islamic State and I have attacked Cardiff today".

He went on to detail his plan to run down people and then attack emergency services personnel when they arrived.

Sue Hemming from the CPS said: "This teenager's behaviour over many months leaves no doubt that he intended to kill and maim as many people as possible in an attack reminiscent of the incident on Westminster Bridge.

The items were all found inside the 17-year-old's schoolbag (Image: Crown Prosecution Service)

"He was also posting extremist content online that could have encouraged others to commit terrorist acts and downloading instructions on how to carry out 'lone wolf' attacks.

"The CPS presented overwhelming evidence that he was prepared to die for Daesh's extremist world view and he will now rightly face the prospect of a substantial prison sentence."

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