Senin, 06 November 2017

Everything We Know About Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber's Relationship Thus Far

Real talk: Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are arguably the biggest are they/aren't they? maybe-couple in Hollywood right now.

They dated on and off for years (and reportedly last split in 2014), so it wouldn't be a total surprise if they rekindled their romance. Even so, Jelena fans everywhere have been flipping over recent pics of them going on romantic bike rides and wearing the other's clothes (in Selena's case). Before these last two weeks, the pair hadn't been seen together since 2015 (unless you count those throwback kissing pics Biebs posted in 2016), so we can't really blame people for getting hyped. 

With conflicting reports about the pair's relationship status, it's hard to know the actual situation. Thus, we've rounded up the facts we know so far about this Jelena reunion, all for your enjoyment. 

Let's take a gander, shall we? 

On Oct. 22, 2017, Justin reportedly visited Gomez's L.A. home.

Immediately, our interest was piqued. 

The following week, it became clear that they're brunch buds.

Oct. 29: We wonder what their go-to orders are. Maybe bacon and eggs? Or French toast? 

News of Selena and The Weeknd's split broke on Oct. 30.

The couple broke up for reasons reportedly unrelated to Bieber, to be clear. But still, the timing is pretty noteworthy here since this makes Selena single again. 

VIDEO: The Weeknd Is Finding Comfort Post-Split with a New Pet

Justin and Selena were photographed cuddling.

Nov. 1: Selena snuggled her head on Justin's shoulder as they walked

They went on some very cute bike rides together.

Nov. 1: And we got the best pictures out of it: Look at how happy she appears. 

Selena Gomez Justin Bieber

Miguel Aguilar/PacificCoastNews

She even wore his sweaty hockey jersey.

Nov. 1: Let's be honest for a second here, this was a ... unique choice. 

They started going to church together. 

Nov. 4: They sometimes go twice on the same day, because why not? 

Sources say Biebs wants to get back together officially.

Nov. 4: "He knows what he did wrong in the past and understands that Selena deserves better," a source told People. "He wants to be with her and will do anything to prove he can be a great boyfriend."

Selena Gomez Justin Bieber

Chris Polk/Getty Images

However, he needs to win over her family before that happens. 

Nov. 4: Pretty understandable if you ask us. "Justin still needs to win her family over and he realizes it will take some time. But he very much feels he is a different person," a source told People.

For now, dating or not, they're taking things slow.

Nov. 4: "[Justin] doesn't feel any rush because no doubt they are already emotionally back together," the source told People


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