Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Justin Bieber New House Almost As Famous As Me ... You've Seen It On TV

Justin BieberNew House Almost As Famous As Me... You've Seen It On TV

10/25/2017 12:30 AM PDT


Justin Bieber's Beverly Hills home is no stranger to the Hollywood treatment -- before he lived there ... it was a revolving door for all sorts of TV and photo shoots. 

Justin's bachelor pad rental has played host to at least 18 shoots dating back to 2010 -- according to film and photography permits filed for the address.

The most recent was issued in early September for a "Call of Duty" ad where the backyard was featured. Car companies love it too -- the crib's been the temporary "home" to Lincolns, Buicks, Acuras and Chryslers.

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It's also been used as a location for a pilot episode of a TV show.

The lengthy resume might explain why Justin has to fork out $55k/month to live there. 

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