Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Justin Bieber's balls spark lawsuit

The Biebs' testes are all in a twist.

Back in May, Justin Bieber made an emergency visit to Northwell Health on Long Island to have his balls examined after he thought a soccer injury might have left one of his testicles twisted.

Fortunately, Bieber's balls are just fine, but a staffer working at the hospital can't say the same. A woman named Kelly Lombardo allegedly accessed Bieber's medical files after hearing rumors he was admitted for an STD instead of a testicle injury and was subsequently fired.

Lombardo has since filed a wrongful-termination claim with the New York Division of Human Rights. She claims to be fired for being a woman.

"My client never accessed Mr. Bieber's medical file," Lombardo's attorney, David H. Rosenberg, told Page Six Tuesday. "She was falsely accused of doing so on account of her gender."

Lombardo and Rosenberg are awaiting for a copy of the position statement, but they're "looking forward to vigorously prosecuting" the case, her attorney told us.

Bieber's rep didn't immediately return a request for comment.

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