He performed Love Yourself and Cold Water and the chanted 'love, love, love" with the audience, many of whom were reduced to tears.
He said: "What an amazing thing we are doing tonight, would you not agree? Would you agree that love always wins? What a better way to fight evil with evil than fight evil with good."
Bieber is here.
"Wouldn't you agree that love always wins?" #OneLoveManchesterpic.twitter.com/6O7IZQZGOx
— BBC Newsbeat (@BBCNewsbeat) June 4, 2017
"Would you guys agree with that?" he added, to cheers from the crowd.
"It's an honour for me to be here and maybe I should just play some music, right."
In between the two songs, he said: "I'm not going to let go of hope, I'm not going to let go of love, I'm not going to let go of god."

Justin then urged everyone to raise their hands in honour of those killed in the terror attack at Ariana Grande's gig less than two weeks ago.
He said: "I just want to take this moment to honour the people that are lost, that were taken.
"We love you so much, to the families we love you so much. Put both hands up to honour those people right now, everybody say we honour you, and we love you."
— Yunkit Sain (@yunkitsain) June 5, 2017
Everyone's crying to listen Justin Bieber s speech @justinbieber
"What's a better way to fight evil than with good?" - @JustinBieber#OneLoveManchester
— 1D Updates (@1DWhereAbout) June 4, 2017
Justin Bieber has beautiful speech tonight on stage #OneLoveManchesterpic.twitter.com/X1PdU7yEih
— Ariana Grande Update (@ArianatorDesire) June 4, 2017
When Justin Bieber is doing more to buck up an ally as they stand up to terrorism than the American president. #OneLoveManchester
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 4, 2017
@justinbieber you made it so good love you makes me cry #LoveAlwaysWins#OneLoveManchester#ONELOVEMANCHESTERpic.twitter.com/axMrkTaPzS
— 12.05.2017❌ (@ImStylesGirl2) June 5, 2017
@justinbieber your performance at the #OneLoveManchester tonight was incredible. Your speech was so beautiful it had me crying
— Daniela Gabriele (@daniela_gab1) June 5, 2017
— hagiie_ (@hagiie_) June 4, 2017
That was beautiful .. I'm still crying ❤ #OneLoveManchester#JustinBieber#ArianaGrandepic.twitter.com/P7NOj3pUjr
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