But before the event the cold was has been began between the starts in Bollywood as Sonakshi Sinha has been roped in to perform as one of the opening acts. Recently singer-composer Kailash Kher commented on Sonakshi's performance in the event. However, Kailash Kher is not happy about it.
In a recent Interview with a leading daily Kher said – "I read somewhere that a Canadian singer Justin Bieber is coming to India, and actress Sonakshi will perform at the gig. The news was cute, but quite a lie. It doesn't give a good message internationally."
Further he added -" They (people overseas) will think that Sonakshi must be a big singer in India. Then she will get concert offers, and then probably Sonakshi will laugh them off saying, 'I am not a singer but an actor'."
"Whenever any singer from the West comes to India, we get an actor on board to match their level. We don't get singer for another singer, but actor… Event managers and producers of the entertainment industry are so scared." Kailash added.
This is not ended here. Recently Singer Arman Malik has also started cold war with actress about her performance in Justin Bieber concert.
Have a look on their tweets –
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