Sabtu, 03 September 2016

Police seeking vandal who ruined Justin Bieber sand sculpture

A New York vandal thinks Justin Bieber should go love himself.

A sand sculpture at the New York State Fair in Syracuse was defaced this week — but only on the section baring Justin Bieber's likeness.

The 22-year-old "Love Yourself" singer's portion of the massive artwork was destroyed on Thursday night and the person responsible just took off, according to fair organizer Dave Bullard.

Visitors to the New York State Fair found the smashed sand bust of Justin Bieber when they arrived at the Sand Sculpture exhibit on Sept. 2, 2016.


Bieber's face joined greats like Steve Martin, Charley Pride, Bob Dylan and Patti LaBelle on the annual sculpture, which served a tribute to the countless artists who performed at the fair's Mohegan Sun Grandstand before it was imploded in January. The Biebs put on a show for nearly 17,000 people at the stand back in 2010.

New York State Troopers are searching for the culprit who smashed the "Sorry" singer's sandy head.

The annual sand sculpture at the New York State Fair. The bust of Justin Bieber on the sculpture (was found smashed as evident by the messy sand in the bottom right.

The annual sand sculpture at the New York State Fair. The bust of Justin Bieber on the sculpture (was found smashed as evident by the messy sand in the bottom right.


"He just threw himself into the head of Justin Bieber in the sand, and then immediately bolted out the side door, a fair vendor told WSYR-TV.

Trooper Jack Keller told the Daily News that police received a partial description of the vandal, describing them as a "white male who appeared to be highly intoxicated."

NOV. 22, 2015 FILE PHOTO. 112215113249, 21334631,

Justin Bieber's likeness in a sand sculpture was destroyed at the New York State Fair on Thursday.

(Jordan Strauss/AP)

"A person who intentionally damages another could be charged with criminal mischief," Keller added.

The artists Team Sandtastic spent hours on the work and Bullard told the Daily News that it is unfortunate that a "misguided person" decided to ruin the experience for others.

"If the person was sending a message to Justin Bieber that's one thing," Bullard told the Daily News. "People are still going to go see it as they always have."

New York State Police did not immediately respond to a Daily News request for comment.

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