Rabu, 21 September 2016

Justin Bieber in concert in Paris, fans have loved the first show

justin-bieber-purpose-world-tour-musiqueLast night, Justin Bieber gave his first of two concerts in Paris. The delighted fans were quick to show their joy on social networks.
After a long day waiting for some and even a sleepless night before the AccordHotels Arena in Paris for others, the fans could finally see their idol Justin Bieber on stage 20 September 2016 last on stage at Bercy. While Justin Bieber would have raised his break with Sofia Ritchie on stage, the Beliebers managed to give fishing a rebel singer tad recently: "Thank you smile" slipped the hunk at the end his show, apparently conquered his audience

But there was not the Bieb's was happy last night, fans also expressed their happiness to attend the event, visibly lives up to their expectations despite an assumed playback. Between verses, the singer did not hesitate to drop his microphone to perform some dance steps and let the soundtrack to his duty. But regardless, the admirers of the singer have got their money on seeing a Justin sexier than ever sing under artificial rain, play drums or pointing fingers and talking to a few lucky in the room. This Sept. 21, 2016, Justin will perform for the second consecutive night in Bercy and maybe we will have the chance to see other famous fans in the stands, as kendji girac, M Pokora or EnjoyPhoenix, invited VIP concert Justin Bieber. What did you think the first concert of Justin in Paris? Will you attend the second night?

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