Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Justin Bieber's dad makes icky comments about his son's penis yet again

Image: jeremybieber/instagram

If the first time you commented on your son's penis made everyone's skin crawl, it's generally a good idea to sit the next round of nudes out. 

But Jeremy Bieber seems to have some sort of compulsion to provide "proud daddy" commentary, and so here we are again with commentary on Justin's nudey frolic in Hawaii. 

In a couple now deleted tweets, the elder Bieber made more phallic references directed at his son. 

Image: jeremybieber/twitter

Image: jeremybieber/twitter

Bieber also Instagrammed a selfie with the CN Tower in Toronto, tagging his son.


A photo posted by Jeremy Bieber (@jeremybieber) on

 It's nice to think he just thought his kid might be homesick for his native Canada or the Biebers bond over a mutual love of Drake, so let's just sit with that thought for a minute to feel safe in this world again. 

Now we just need Bette Midler to chime in according to the new world order. 

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